Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Weekend

soooo this weekend was pretty much awesome.
yesterday i went with asia to her grandma's house in melbourne to for her birthday. asia, her mom, eden, and jovin picked me up then we went to breakfast/lunch at a cute little place called something really cool but i forget what it was. hahah. then we got to her grandma's and i met her uncle mike and her cousins dakota and taylor. they were adorable. :) thennnnnnn we basically cleaned up and helped get the house ready for her mom and grandma's candle party, which is something they do every year to sell the awesome candle's they make. then we got ready for the party and youth group. then the party started and we just hung out and did whatever until zach got there to take us to youth group. then we went to youth group. finally. haha. it was a lot of fun. i got to meet asia and zach's friends and it was also a birthday party for asia. so that was cool. oh yea and we went to pick up a cake before youth group for asia that her friend gia made for her. it was a pretty good cake too. then after we left youth group we went and got prince caspian about 6 minutes before midnight. we got back to her grandma's house and we watched alittle bit, but i kept drifting off so we went to bed because i was so tired. then this morning we went to the craft show in cocoa village to sell mrs. james' candles and help with asia's aunts booth, where she was selling handbags she made. they are the some of the coolest bags i've ever seen. way better than vera bradly. go here to get to her site. oh yea. and on the way to the craft show, asia's uncle mike took us by duncan donuts to get breakfast. it was pretty dang good too. better than mcdonalds thats for sure. about.. 12:30 or so aaron, a guy from youth group came to see the booth. we hung out with him for a while and got food, then when we got back zach was there after he took the sat and we hung out with him too. we basically wandered around there until aaron left for the michagen vs. duke game he had to see. lol so after that we hung around the booth, then asia, zach, and i just wandered around some more. it was a fun day. thats all we really did until we packed up and they dropped me off at home.
welllllll. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASIA!! [even though it was yesterday]

tomorrow im going to by one of Kirsten's bags [asia's aunt]. they are soo tight.
alright well thats it.

oh yea.. and we're getting our tree tomorrow :)

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