Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What If...

Everyone Knew Your Name
it was a very interesting book. but good nonetheless.

so i actually got some school done. woo hoo! today i've got to get a journal thing done for world history though.
yesterday after school in the morning i registered for my spring classes. im taking three this coming semester and only one this semester. so that will be a change.
and two of my classes are really long and right after each other, so i'll be at school for about 5 1/2 hours. then soccer practice. loooooong days.
then tuesdays i have a class that will be during when practice, but at least its only once a week and i only miss about half of practice or so. not too bad.
im actually pretty excited for this coming spring.
as for this semester..i have my final for health analysis and improvement next thursday and every class till then and including that one are going to be short, so i'll be getting out early which is a good thing. then hopefully i can finish up my online classes quickly which means less school for when i have those three classes.
woo hoo.

well. thats just about it for now. oh actually.. we beat rockledge last night 2-1 :) even though i only played for like.. 20 minutes, it was still fun because i got to play wing. YESSSSSSS. i never play wing so i was stoked. and dang. i felt good out there, until i got hit, but still it was nice.

alright well THATS it.
talk to you all laterr.

peacee out.

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