Wednesday, March 18, 2009


so sunday... we totally played soccer and it was incredible amazing.
i mean, it was SO much fun!
i had a blast. :D
i was a captain and so was christian so we were on different teams and of course he picked sarah. which was fine because its more fun playing against your friends. haha
it was a pretty even matched game until after we ate when we started up again, and i swear. people decided my team was the team to be on. haha
nah, seriously. my team was AWESOME. we totally won, jake and patrick were always getting it up there fast and hard so that was good.
and it was funny, because i wouldn't really expect patrick to be good at soccer [he hasn't played that i know of, or at least in a while, but he is mitch's friend so who knows..] but he had skills, 3 really nice goals. james had some skills too, and jake well.. jake played soccer so i would expect him to have some too, haha. oh dang and gerard! he had some reallllly nice moves too. i mean seriously..why dont these people play club soccer?!?!
yea so it was totally awesome, very decent.
oh and i made brownies, people liked those a lot too.
hahaha, who wouldnt?

uhh so monday i had school and i woke up sick, so that totally sucked, but i made it through the day. i had to go to the field to watch tim after his practice though, which was lame because i got stuck there till after 8 so i missed little people, big world. NOT a good thing.

yesterday i had school and practice, and not much happened all day. mainly just cleaning, doing school, whatever.

as for today i had school alllll day. well actually until 1 because all we did today in baking was eat stuff :) haha it was awesome. then mom picked me up and took me to lunch and to exchange my jeans for different ones, so i now have bullheads that actually fit me. well for the most part. they're very lose, but i have belts..
anyways..we came home, mom took sarah to practice, then she came back and cleaned the yard a little bit, and then she took susannah to practice. just so happens that when mom gets there, sarah comes to the car crying and mom thinks she broke her wrist.
so she took her to the ER and i just got the call that it was just a sprain [what i assumed it would have been, well something other than a fracture/break].
now im watching lie to me and then american idol in 11 minutes.
thankfully i got school done today andddddddd no bcc till monday :)

that is all.


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