Sunday, March 15, 2009


lets start with friday...

Friday - i went to the beach with beka and i put sunscreen on, we stayed out for about.. 2 hours maybe. i got fried. and not just fried, i got fried in a weird pattern. so stupid. half of my stomach/chest got burnt the other half didn't so much. really weird.
so therefore im in pain from that.
i also had to hurry when we got home from the beach because i had half and hour to get ready for the spring formal for the north brevard homeschool group that rachel was taking me to. i felt really hot and really tired, and kinda gross cause i was so hot. anways.. it was a lot of fun though. we had dinner at cafe chocolat [pronounced cha-ca-lot. haha] and it took just about forever, apparently some of their staff left earlier than expected. after we finally ate we went and saw Oklahoma at the emma parrish playhouse. it was pretty funny. very well put together and the people did a great job in it.
there was this pretty cute guy [which was ok looking up close] that alex went off about. lol it was quite hillarious.
oh and i got home at 12:30 or so. so tiring

saturday - well with my late night arrival early that morning i slept in even after i woke up at 7:30 [i fell back asleep i was so tired] so i missed tim and mary's games. i did get to see abby's game though. that was..interesting. i cant watch comp games and 6 year old's games. well at least when abby is walking around even though she knows perfectly well what to do.
gahhhh. whatever. she is 6..
thennn i went home and waited for kristyn and al to pick me up for our game in mel. beach. we ended up starting out with 6 players and our keeper [kevin] was missing. oy vei. laura played keeper until kevin got there [thank goodness] and only let one goal in which is pretty darn good for not playing keeper. when kevin got there we ended up scoring twice and didnt let anymore in. therefore we won 2-1. nicely done team.
oh and some kid, ryan, that was on the team was actually in my health class last semester at BCC. kinda funny in an ironic way.
uhh then i came home chilled out, watched hannah montana, showered, then my family got home from other games & work. mom and dad went out to dinner for shannon's birthday, and adam stayed for dinner and i got him to watch 'how to lose a guy in 10 days'. hahahaha it was hillarious. i haven't seen that movie in forever. then i watched part of 'the secret life of bees' then went to bed.

today - i went to church, didnt have to work in the nursery thankfully i was so tired. [still am] came home, cleaned up while mom took dad to the airport [ohio this time. lets hope no one breaks anything.] did math, made lunch for mom. beka got home and then left to go to publix for a sub and sweet tea. typical. then i did more school, cleaned more, talked to sarah. now i am awaiting youth group. oh yea and i made brownies for tonight.
we are playing soccer. woo hoo. im bringing my ball.
welllp thats all for now.

music@themoment: One Fine Wire - Colbie Caillat.
WOOHOOOOO. love the female version of Jack Johnson.


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