Tuesday, March 31, 2009

poker face

is a pretttttttty dang catchy song.

so lets start back from sunday night..
we had rehearsal for living stations and ivy made us dinner so i decided to make brownies.
when we got there everyone was getting their costumes.
i got christian's old costume so it was kinda small on me, so miss mary ann said i had to lose 10 pounds. then she said she was kidding but i thought it was funny so i kept bringing it up. haha
thennnnn i showed gerard my 'sword' which was really my blue and yellow polka-dotted umbrella. the modernized version of a sword anyways. haha and he started to complain because im a guard and he's jesus, therfore i get to beat him up. hahaha it's great :)
but no..i wont be reallllllly beating him up, just pretend. and not with my sword/umbrella :( only this wimpy rope, but im thinking i wont even hit him with that cause that is a bit mean.. hahahah
anyways.. it was so much fun for being a rehearsal.
i just realllllllllllly hope i dont start cracking up in the middle of it.
when jesus/gerard was supposed to go on the roof..hahhhahahahhaha it was so funny.. he literally ran on the roof, i swear he was gunna fall off.. he didnt but miss mary ann and miss kate thought he would too. pretty funny.
so when we were done we were just listening about when we were supposed to be there on friday and what not. then james goes..hannah did you have an accident? and i was like whaa? i looked down on my sheet [whatever you wanna call it..the thing i was wearing.. haha] and there was this rust stain so i went..ahh why'd you have to pay attention to that! and basically everyone started cracking up about it. it was seriously freakin hillarious. for people who think that would be freakin hillarious. which is everyone at youth group. hahahah :)
so then we were done and ivy made us dinner so we went to go eat.
soooooooooooooo funny cause i made brownies and when we were all eating still, mary goes, or tries to say.. hannah, these are the best brownies ever! except she ends up saying..hannah these are the breast brownies ever!
hahahhahaha seriously though. it was so funny. no one stopped staying that for the rest of the time.
ahahhaha i love them so much!!!
youth group = bestest friends in the entire world! or should i say.. breastest.. hahahha
ok sorry for the joke you wouldnt ever get..


anyways.. i should probably go because yesterday i had school all day, then i had school today and actually got high school work done.. [yay!]..however, i have classes all day tomorrow starting early buttttttttttttttttt... LAST DAY TILL SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D::D


so, with all that said..

put a carrot on it.

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