Sunday, March 29, 2009

this weekend

was the BEST weekend this year. and probably my most favorite memory yet.
aside from the fact that i now have ------ --- -- ---!!!!!!!!! :)
i love life.
as crazy and stressful it can be, it sure has its ups. and when they are up. they are wayyyyy high up there.

ok so this weekend..
friday - cortney came over for a little bit before i had to leave for the campout which was nice, because i had to miss her bday party because of the campout, so therefore we got to hang out anyway. :) then we left for the church and met everyone there, then we headed off the beach
where we were camping. everyone was setting up tents when we got there and i helped out right away since i dont know how many times i've put up tents. a lot thanks to camp wekiva :)
mary gave me a hero award or something of the sort for being so amazing. haha thanks mary!
when we got all of them set up some lady with the beach came over and said we were in the wrong area and we had to move alllll the tents to a new area. that kinda sucked. haha
anyways. when we were done setting up all the tents it started to rain, then it started raining hard, then harder, and then much harder. that about the time when we ate dinner and found out where we were for small groups. james, mary, rosie, and kyle dunn were in my group. except james and patrick weren't there yet, so he obviously wasn't there for that small group time. then we hung out and did whatever till it was time to go to bed. i went a little earlier than others cause i was getting a headache and i wanted to read my book. :)
sleep wasn't easy to come across though because it was so humid, but it got to be freezing [not really, just cold] during the night, so it was really hard to sleep through that. the next morning, we had breakfast and what not, then we headed off to the beach after that. me, natalee, aubrey, aj and megan all hung out together and played some beach soccer, it was fun but really windy. then me and nat layed out on our towels, she tanned, and i burned and read. haha i swear i put loads of sun screen on but i still ended up burnt. then we all took a walk down the beach, then onto the pier. pretty cool sight. then we headed back to the campsite for lunch and we ended going to the playground too. when we were eating, patrick and james finally got there, but then aubrey had to leave for her game. oh and sarah stayed a little bit the night before but had to leave cause she had a game too. so anyways.. we had lunch then we had some more small group meetings with james there this time. it was insane because cell phones were pretty much the one thing that ruled everyone's life. well not quite because i'm not on mine a lot, neither is james, and neither is kyle. but apparently everyone else has texting therefore it spans throughout the day.
then after that we did this other thing where mari and kyle were just people, then me and mary were the devil [one for each of them], and natalee and aj were God. basically we had to lead them astray and keep them away from 'God' and i did it pretty well until i offered mari some candy. hahahahahahahaha
she was smart to get away from that.
anyways. SO much fun.
then we all went back down the beach [i think that was when i really got burnt] and patrick asked if we were gunna play beach soccer, so i brought my ball and him, natalee, and i played for a while. then natalee, mary, patrick, rosie, jami, and i all went for a walk on the pier and the shuttle came back so we kinda freaked when the sound barrier was broken. haha
oh and we 'illegally' climbed the rocks and got caught. haha really it was just Bud coming to say that he saw us. haha
when we all went back it was about time for dinner. well they were starting to cook it at least. we pretty much just hung out till then, some of us got showers, and then we watched some of the people play volleyball. oh and sarah was there by that time. then we went to get food but sarah wanted her cup but it was dirty along with a bunch other ones so we went and cleaned them up, but by the time we got back all the food was being eaten, so we had to wait for more to be cooked. after dinner we were just passing around the soccer ball juggling and what not. pretty fun. then patrick wanted to play a pickup game so we did and me and james were captains cause sarah didnt want to. it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun. until these two guys came and started acting kinda cocky and then patrick's knee popped out and that was when we decided to call it quits because my chest was already in tremendous pain. turns out patrick was fine, and everyone just chilled after that. when we got back though we found out it was gunna rain at like 1 in the morning so we decided to pack up that night and head to the hall, me and sarah got there at about 10:30 so it was late. we played ping-pong and other games, then broke off into our small groups again. then we all met up, ivy said some things, and then she let us eat if we wanted to. i was one of the first ones in there. hahahha i was starved.
then me, sarah, and ana all stayed up till after 1 talking. it was freakin hillarious.
of course that all came back to me in the morning. i woke up a little before 7 and then my mom called at 7:20 or so which was psycotic because thats pretty darn early. then i decided to get up and ready. my hair was the biggest rats nest ever. i managed to finally get it brushed then decided to braid it. didnt look to terrible. then i ate a donut. haha then i played the charlie brown song cause mary wanted to hear it, but then evvvveryone came around to listen so i started shaking and messed up. hhaha
then we went to church and i SWEAR.. i was so close to keeling over, not dead, just passed out. i was SO tired. i managed to stay awake but i was so close to just drifting off..
then we went to breakfast, and i, being myself, decided to hold the door open for everyone. lol so i was at the end of the line for food but that was ok. mrs. coyne asked me how it went and i told her how awesome it was. which was SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome. [just to inform the ones with an obvious deficit] then i got my breakfast and sat next to ivy, james, and across from gerard and sarah. i couldnt actually eat my pancakes though.. i was too tired to breathe enough to chew and swallow them. haha then james asked me if i saw him while he was alter serving, i said yea, which was totally hillarious because he was seriously holding his face up trying not to fall asleep during church. hahaaaaaaa. yet he still ate two plates full of food, somehow managing to get 4 pieces of sausage the second time. then i got my stuff together and out in the car. we cleaned up from breakfast then we left.

but i'll get to see some of them tonight at rehearsal for living stations. :)
im just gunna say that those people are the BEST ever!

im done.
now i will go and make brownies for youth group, for it is sunday and i am now allowed to have sweets :)

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