Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Adventure

so whenever i look at my blog i see *POW!* Michael Phelps right there.
i like that fact :)


well recently i have been so completely ready for summer.
and the fact that it seriously SO close, is making me more than stoked.
i have also been talking to my buddies from camp, and i cannot tell you how happy they make me.
in 1 month and 10.5 days i get to see them.
just so you all know.
you complete my summer.
without you it wouldn't be summer. it'd be hot.

as for things going on right now..
school is out next wednesday. well my college classes at least.
i have my astronomy final on tuesday, and it's online.
im really dreading that one, because the class is just so hard.
not lying. do NOT take it.
i wish the oceanography class wasn't full...
then wednesday i have my art final and baking final.
art will be a breeze, and the only worry i have about the baking final is whether or not he's going to put questions on the test that aren't from the previous tests.
but i think it'll be pretty easy to if i study the previous tests.
and NO school on monday :)
im realllllly happy about that!
so two more days of bcc then im DONE!! :D
i am SO happy.
as for FLVS school, im finishing english next week, chemistry and algebra the next week, and then world history the week after that.

oh and after bcc gets out im going to west palm beach/wellington for sarah's state cup.
that means.. road trip! im really excited about that too.
thats one way to kick off the summer. :)

wooo. do you realize that so many good things are going on right now, with the exception of astronomy..?
there really are.
let me count..
  • 2 days of bcc left.
  • 3 weeks of flvs left.
  • west palm beach/wellington in a little over 2 weeks.
  • camp orientation in a little over a month.
  • talking to my best buddies from camp.
  • my hair is getting way long :)
  • possibly getting my license soon. i just gotta figure out the money thing, than im good.
  • that means i have a car again! my dad fixed it. thank youuuu!
  • kris allen is still in american idol. allison better be next to go.
  • i have been reallllllly active lately.
  • curtis' team is letting me practice with them. and dude. they are SO much fun. :)
  • im slowly getting abs.
  • SO much AMAZING music is my possession.
  • Cortney is coming over today.
  • andd theres a lot more i just cant think of it right now.
  • haha!
welp. thats all for now.

peace, love, wekiva.

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