Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A - Available : i am

A - Age: 17, 18 in less than 5 months!

A- Annoying: haha sometimes

B - Best feature in a member of the opposite sex?

Personality wise: funny, honest, and fun to be around

Look wise: eyes, smile, and hair :)

B - Beer: nah

B - Birthday: november 27

C - Crush: I have one..

C - Car: toyota camry

C - Candy: i love it!

D - Day or night: both

D - Dream Car: jeep cherokee.

D - Dogs or Cats: Dogs. i cant stand cats

E - Egg nog: delicious!

E - Entertainment on the weekend?: this weekend will be 4th of july party and then seeing my best friends on sunday!

F - Favorite color: Blue

F - Favorite Band: the maine, parachute, relient k, rascal flatts, blink 182, and switchfoot

F - Famous person- met any?: dude i have many favorites.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: sour gummy worms, if its not sour its gummy bears then

G - Gasoline- is not good for the environment

G - Gangsta accent: yo i fo sho gots one. as a joke of course

H - Hair Color: banana-peeled blonde

H - Height: 5'2

H - Happy: SO happy :)

I - Instrument: Piano. i want to learn the guitar and drums tho

I - Idol: michael phelps and clint dempsey

I - Iguana:s are cool

J - Jewelry: bracelets from camp and earrings from grandpa

J - Job: camp counselor. the best job in the world!

J - Jail: Next week. haha kidding

K - Kids: are awesome at camp. well most of the time

K - Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing

K - Kindergarten: i taught myself how to read


L - Longest Car Ride: NY

L - Lameness factor: boredom

L - Longitude, latitude: latitude. it sounds cooler

M - Milk Flavor: chocolate

M - Most missed memory: grandpa

> M - Movie Last Watched: wendy wu. it was only cause my siblings were watching it. that was the lamest movie ever.

> ====================
> N - Number of Siblings: 10
> N - Number of Tattoos: 0
> N - Nickname: banana hannah face, hannabelle, LC, compton. i love camp nicknames :)

> ====================
> O - One wish: to be able to go to camp next week to work

> O - One regret : i have no regrets
> O - Olly olly oxen freee: woo hoo

> ====================
> P - Parts of your appearance you like best: my eyes, hair and smile.

> P - Piercings: my ears

> P - Parking ability: um. good?
> ====================
> Q - Quick or Slow? moderate
> Q - Questionative : when im bored

> Q - Quizzes- multiple choice or essay?: multiple choice
> =================
> R - Reason to smile: Life and everything in it. wekiva is a huge reason at the moment :)

> R - Reality TV Show: i dont know what is considered that..

> R - Road trip to....: wekiva would be awesome right now!

> ====================
> S - Song Last Heard: "words meet heartbeats" - parachute. was just on but now its "when you come back down" - nickel creek. i love both of these songs

> S - Season: summer
> S - School you want to attend college at: UCF. UF would be cool too. but thats only if i want to go further into my studies after UCF
> ======================
> T - Time you woke up: 10:30ish

> T - Time Now: 12:54 p.m

> T - Time for bed: no time

> =====================
> U - Unpredictable: sometimes
> U - Underwear: blue

> U - Utopia: what is that?
> ========================
> V - Vegetable you hate: mushrooms. i dont hate them. i just strongly dislike them with a passion

> V - Vacation spot: camp wekiva
> V - Vaccinated: i think
> ====================
> W - Worst habit: i dunno. i dont spend my time thinking about my negative traits
> W - Where are you going to travel: To camp in 3.5 days
> W - What pets do you have : coal [dog], roxy [cat], cody [cat], captain morgan [bird]

> ===================
> X - X-Rays: dont like em
> X - Xylophone: ok
> X - Xenophobicm uh no
> ====================
> Y - Year it is now: 2009
> Y - Yellow: is tight
> Y - Yucky food: i dont eat
> ===============
> Z - Zoo Animal: Zebras and lions
> Z - Zodiac Sign: sag. but i could care less
> Z - Zebra- hellz yes

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