Thursday, July 9, 2009

when words meet heartbeats

so i am yet again reading 'keeping the moon' by sarah dessen.
her books are amazing and by far the best.
although 'the truth about forever' is my favorite, this one is a clear winner as well.

welp. only 1 more day until i go to camp!
[that would be friday]
i am so incredibly stoked for it.
rachel and i are going to have a shopping day and have some killer fun.
i love friends :)

oh and i forget if i already put this up here, but Parachute's album 'Losing Sleep' is so freakin amazing. so check it out!
and check out Forever The Sickest Kids music too. I was already a fan but i got some more of their music and its seriously amazing.
the 'Give and Take Remix' is awesome. that and 'I Don't Know About You, But I'm Here To Dance' = KILLERRRRRRRRR MUSIC!

uh yep. thats pretty much it. nothing much has gone on this week. i went to walmart with beka and michelle last night which was fun.
and i had to go to this abstinence thing today [mom made me]. it wasn't as bad as i thought, but holy shizz. there are alot of freakin std's out there.

ohh yea. the 4th! it was good. we went to the petersen's for a barbeque/fireworks. it was pretty awesome. here are some pictas!

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