Sunday, August 16, 2009


so this past weekend was our first game against curtis' team.
we won 3-1. kristyn, mitch, and i scored. mitch's goal was utterly amazing. he was on the ground after being taken down by two of curtis' players, and then lunged forward and headed the ball [while he was on the ground still] and it rolled in barely as justin tried to block it]. AMAZING.
seriously. freakin awesome.
my goal was pretty cool too. i scored from just after midfield and was in midair when i kicked it.
i didn't think it was going in.
there's my goal for the season!
i truly think that if i keep practicing with my team and curtis' team, i'm gunna be in pretty amazing shape and form for high school tryouts.
oh yea, after the game we went to a party for lori at johannah's house because it was her big 5 0. pretty fun, goooooood cake. hahah

so today was pretty awesome too.
first we had church this morning which went well. we hit the compton's house afterwards to let scamp run around, and eat their food. haha
after that we came home and i made cookies to take to a picnic at blessed sacrament.
let me tell you how that went..
awesome :)
it was so fun to actually see my friends i haven't seen hardly at all since school got out [some of them i saw once over the summer. the rest of em i didn't see them at all this summer. agh] so it was pretty awesome.
we hung out and ate and talked and played games and whatnot but then when we finally got too hot to be outside anymore we went into the youth group room where we found no ping-pong table. ahhh. so we brought it out of storage. haha
good fun man. i stink though. and patrick let me know that. well, technically he was letting everyone know that they weren't that good. but i was probably the worst. he even pointed out i was rushing it. just like i had said seconds before. haha
it was really fun though. i missed those people so bad.
unfortunately though, youth group still isn't starting! not soon enough anyways. i think it might be two more weeks. and seriously, for me that is wayyyyyy too long.
oh! and sarah is coming! hahah yea i'm actually getting sarah to come to a church thing, and she WANTS too!
hahahahahahah. i love it.
she had fun today too.
i told her my friends were cool. :)

welllllllllp. that's really all that went on today. anything interesting anyway.
so.. i'm out for now.


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