Wednesday, August 12, 2009

life's temporary

so this past week so far has been alright.
i've been way tired that's for sure.
i forget what night it was but i finally watched the last two episodes of Harper's Island cause i missed them due to being at camp.
It was..shocking to say the least.
i cannot believe the outcome of it.
but at least Jimmy didn't die.

soccer has been going well too. i practiced with Curtis' team monday and i'm gunna try to tonight. then my practice wasn't too shabby last night. i definitely feel out of shape, but at least i'm getting back into it. i need to start running everyday though, whether its at practice or by myself. i neeeeeeed to. it'll help out big time for school tryouts if i ever want the chance at making varsity this year.
it's gunna suck if i dont. senior year after all.

and that's got me pretty weirded out too.
it's weird to say i'm in my last year of highschool, my senior year.
and then off to college!
oy vei.
you see? that weirded me out.

i best get back to my school if i want to graduate. haha

au revoir!

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