Friday, September 25, 2009

Today, at an assembly, i saw a guy in my grade getting picked on by some guys on the football team because he was gay. the brutal insults went on for about five minutes until the quarterback, the king of our school, stood up and announced he was gay. nobody ever made fun of the kid again. after, i asked him if he really was gay. He isn't. GMH.
Comments on #14247 (14) - Sep 10, 2009 02:58 PM by Anonymous... - Random acts of kindness - I Love This! (2236) Last summer, I went to Iowa for a week to visit my friends grandparents with her. One night I was walking up the stairs to go to sleep and I heard her grandpa's voice. I asked why he was up so late, and she responded "My grandpa still reads to my grandma at night." Their love GMH.
Comments on #14250 (5) - Sep 10, 2009 03:26 PM by shannon99 - True love - I Love This! (1139)

Today, I went to Panda Express. There was a homeless man sitting outside, and I saw a lady buy an extra panda bowl to give to him. He thanked her repeatedly and walked to the bus stop. As if this wasn't GMH worthy enough, a homeless woman came and sat next to him. I could see them while I ate. He shared his panda bowl with her. GMH.
Comments on #14076 (0) - Sep 25, 3808 12:52 PM by HelptheHomeless - Random acts of kindness - I Love This! (1410)

Today, my friend was upset because of a lot of family problems that had piled up on her recently. Her little step-brother, who is ten years old and has Down's syndrome, asked why she was crying, and she replied "Because my heart hurts." He went and got her a bandaid. His kindness GMH.
Comments on #14020 (6) - Sep 25, 7970 12:52 PM by Tosshi - Cute kids - I Love This! (1470)

Today, my friend gave me a piggy back ride and ran up and down my street with me on his back. I was born with spina bifida and he wanted me to know what running felt like. GMH!
Comments on #14145 (11) - Sep 25, 9947 12:52 PM by kettle - Amazing friends - I Love This! (1937)

first year of university was quite difficult, as I was away from loved ones and living in a new city. My boyfriend would spend countless nights on the phone with me, providing words of hope and encouragement. He once spent an entire night on the phone with me and later admitted he wrote a final exam that morning. His love GMH!
Comments on #14042 (10) - Sep 25, 4848 12:52 PM by rixnix - True love - I Love This! (1182)

Last year, I worked at a grocery store. One day, there was a customer who was clearly mentally-impaired and thought she had $90 in coupons. After the cashier told her that they weren't actually coupons, the woman in the next lane put the $90 on her credit card. They had never met. This woman GMH.

there's pages more of posts like these. i found the first one incredible.
i don't think i could do that.

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