Sunday, October 25, 2009

dancing on your grave

well today was definitely entertaining.
i was afraid that since there was no youth group, i was going to be bored out of my mind.
i was obviously wrong.

this morning me and sarah went to blessed sacrament to help with faith family breakfast, and to go to church. soo much fun.
i know.
i just said church was sooo much fun. lol
it really was though.
i adore my friends there SO much.
highlight: when we were wiping down tables, james had a cloth diaper to wipe them down with. & there was something yellow on it. hahahahha it was great.

we watched the steelers game against the vikings.
we won 27-17. i was so afraid they were gunna get beat when it was 20-17. but they got a good one.

i took mary and tim to go fishing and sarah came to play soccer with me.
we went to fay park for a while then got bored and drove by my friend's house cause tim wanted to see it.
WELLLL... my other friends live across the street and were outside playing basketball, and sarah being herself, honked the horn. welll i had to turn around because thats the only way i go home from out of there, and so we passed their house again. she honked again.
insanity i tell you.
but it was quite amusing.

after that we went to the soccer field so they could try and catch a fish there.
me and sarah played some mad soccer, but ended up almost dying of laughter.
it was ridiculous and i dont even know why. lol
well, when it was time to go mary and tim were packing up and then mary yells that she got a fish.
i ended up having to get the hook out because she didnt want too.
well right after i do they throw the fish back and mary asks to cast one more time.
a few seconds later she's like..sorry guys, i caught another one.
hahahahhaha it was insane.
that one took like 10 minutes [i'm exaggerating] to get the hook out because it got caught in it's throat. ew.
and i had to get it out again, but it's all good.

anyways. VERY eventful day if you ask me.
and a good one at that :)

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