Tuesday, November 3, 2009

even the sun is jealous of the way you shine

so this past week has been quite eventful and partially a pain in the butt.
i survived though, so i'm not complaining.

school was slightly hectic. and boring of course.
but thankfully i actually got some done this week.
however, i missed my second pre-season game because of french class.
not my happiest night.

pre-season game.. we got slaughtered by viera in the first half. reallly, realllllllllly bad.
but i kicked some serious booty so i'm not that upset about it.
the game on thursday that i had to missed they played cocoa beach. we lost 2-1 and kristyn got wiped out and might have torn something in her knee. not a good thing.

saturday was halloween and wayyy fun.
me and sarah worked at the halloween party at blessed sacrament in the afternoon, then the little chillens came to it. it was fun.
that night me and say met up with natalee and went with her a some of her friends.
hollly crap. freakin awesome. haha
everyone else [except beka. im not really sure what she did] went to mark's halloween party. apparently they had a blast and got freaked out multiple times. hahah
i got over 170 pieces.
good huntin huh?

sunday was youth group, but not a lot of people came. it was still fun though.

tonight is our first actual season game against eau gallie and i am so beyond stoked!
i seriously cannot wait. like i wanna leave now because i am so excited.
but i guess i can wait a little bit.

oh and you should totally check out my tumblr. :)

well bye people.
have a good night

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