Thursday, October 8, 2009


relient k's new album is amazing.
what else could it have been?
i love them.

so life has been a rerun of insanity for the past week or so.
i got behind in flvs school so that was hanging over my head bitterly.
i am finally getting in under control and almost back on pace.
just a few more things to do then im good.
hopefully this time i'll get ahead of pace and stay that was.
thankfully my childcare class is over so i dont have to worry about that keeping me uncontrollably busy anymore.
woo hoo!

pre-season conditioning started this week and let me tell you..
it is insane.
my legs are still sore from monday.
it killed to do everything monday and tuesday, so there were a few things i couldn't do.
actually only one thing on tuesday.
yesterday was great though.
the indian run sucked as always but i managed to make it through, unlike a majority of the girls.
only 9 people were left running at the end because everyone else dropped out.
hey jack, do you see my heart now?
i sure hope so.
i really did dominate at ladders and hurdles though.
soo much fun! :) i love those things to death.
and surprisingly i managed to do really well after not doing them since last school season.
nice huh?
i think so.

so homecoming is saturday and i am really excited for it.
i get to get dressed up for the second time in my life. haha
kidding. i've gotten dressed up before, but this is different.
i'm wearing a brown dress with a bunch of crystal and pearl jewelry thanks to beka.
and i guess her silver heels.
uhhh? whatever. lol
i'll look good. hahah

oh! and i cant forget this.. i have realized that i have some really awesome guy friends.
just saying.
one in particular said to me 'i got yo back' hahaha
which makes me quite happy because that used to not happen.

sooooooo tonight last day of conditioning.
i will survive. somehow. haha

bye buddies.

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