Friday, October 16, 2009

when we woke up buried alive beneath the fruit landslide

we both laughed hysterically.

i am in LOVE with OWL CITY. :)
possible one of the most amazing creators of music. EVER.
that's all i'm listening to these days.

homecoming was good. i had fun, and this year i actually danced. haha
i'll get some pictures up eventually.

tryouts for school were this week.
guess what?
i made varsity.
i was real happy to know i made it, but frustrated at the same time.
i worked my butt off harder than a lot of people there.
my times earned all the possible points i could have gotten [yea, there was a point system..]
yet i was still 5 points behind 11 other people.
11 people i worked harder than.
well some of them worked just as hard, but i know some of them cut corners.
so why did they get all 40 points?
i hate soccer politics.
i hate the fact that they exist.
so the first day of practice, well actually before the first practice, i was not happy.
i was quite confused as to why i got the amount of points i did.
i know, I KNOW, i should be really happy and content on making it, and i was/am, but it's just really hard to believe that people i worked harder than, are STILL considered 'better' than me.
you know what though?
this year i'm gunna show up all those girls.
they can think all they want and get a nearly free pass, but i'm gunna show them what skills and heart really is.
watch out world, here i come.

other than that.. youth group and my guy friends really make me happy.
they know how to get me smiling when i dont feel like it.
so for that.. thank you.
i love guys though. they don't come with drama. add a girl and you've got hell.

welp. im out to listen to my beloved adam young [owl city dudes!]
so check out 'strawberry avalanche', 'the saltwater room', 'the technicolor phase', 'dear vienna', 'hello seattle', 'hot air balloon', 'rainbow veins',  and 'west coast friendship'. actually check them all out, but those are currently my favorites. :)

have a good night friends.

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