Friday, November 6, 2009

he got a tan and i got a sunburn

so i edited that song just a little bit. because it would be weird if i sang about a girl, and i'm totally the one to get burnt anyway.

i realized that i blog so much because i love to write.
i was reading sarah dessen's blog, and i was like wow.
she's pretty freakin awesome.
she wrote my FAVORITE books of all times and her recent ones aren't losing any of her incredibly captivating messages to us, her fellow readers.
i think it'd be really cool to write a book like her.
maybe one day i will..?
we'll see.

well mom and beka left wednesday for seattle, and i drove home from orlando when me and my dad dropped them off.
he is sick, i am sick, sarah is sick, and everyone else is getting sick.
i thought this was gunna be a party..
not so much, it kinda sucks that we can't breathe right, but we're managing.
yesterday felt weird because i had to go grocery shopping.
not my mom.
it was fun though, we got food we will actually eat without complaining.
right now taco soup is on the stove for lunch

we played cocoa last night. we should have KILLLLLLLLED them first half.
not sure what happened because it ended up taking 13 minutes of the second half to finally score the slaughtering goal.
tonight we play edgewood.
rivalry team.
we will beat them.
i am entirely set on giving them some of what i gave eau gallie.

tomorrow is president's cup tournament at the psj fields.
we are supposed to work there as part of the high school team supporting our sister teams.
it should be fun.
then the guys play tomorrow night against viera.
i sure as heck hope they beat them good.
i do believe they beat them last year, so i'm expecting it again.

man i cannot believe that this is my senior year.
as in this is the very last year i can play high school soccer.
it makes me kinda sad.
and you know what freaks me out a little?
i will be 18 years old in 21 days.
oh boy.

well goodbye for now.
i must go take care of my sick family.

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