Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the truth about forever

is and will be forever, my favorite book of all time.

Sarah Dessen amazes me.
i don't know how in the world she was able to write such an incredible book.
but she did.

so i really dont know what i did to my wrist, but whatever it is, it kills.
lauren gave me some braces for it today at practice [which was fun cause we played futsol] which definitely helps.
it still hurts though.

sooo youth group sunday was pretty much a ton of fun. we played all these games and one of them we had to guess who we were [we had notes on our back of someone] i was Ivy, which was a great honor because she kicks some serious a**. haha
andddddd there are some freakin awesome people there.
not even lying, but those people are some of my best friends, ever.

saturday there is a party for youth group at my house so im stoked for that.
i just hope people come
i'm sure they will though

tomorrow i have class therefore i am missing the viera game.
i hate having french class in the place of soccer.
i guess with my wrist issue though, it's kinda better if i take a break from a game with evil girls on it.

well. thats really all thats goin on.
life is pretty good

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