Saturday, November 28, 2009

i'm 18

not even lying.
that decided to occur yesterday, november 27.
it's doesn't feel much different, but i don't like being called an adult

thanksgiving was good.
family came over andd lindsey ate with us and bought me yellow roses :)
i felt quite special.

black friday/my birthday was good.
i went with mom and susannah at some ungodly hour to go shopping but mainly for them to get ipod touches. NOT FAIR.
their so cool though. lol

i really didn't go to that many places to go shopping, but i didn't really care all that much, im somewhat broke.

i seriously had SO much fun.
me, sarah, sarah, mari, and natalee went to the mall to eat, shop, and go see the blind side.
amazing movie.
go see it now!
it was really, really, really good though.
i had a great time out with them and it made my bday awesome.

today we went christmas tree shopping.
we didn't find one good enough though, so we're gunna go again soon.
it was funny cause dad took us to marshall's and target so we could look around and shop.
that never happens. hahah
it was fun though.
i also babysat tonight which is always pretty easy because those kids are no hassle.

well.. now i should definitely get some sleep [prolly not gunna happen but whatever]
so goodnight!

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