Wednesday, November 25, 2009


so lock-in this past weekend wassss awesome.
no lie.
i LOVED it and had the bestest time ever. well one of the bestest times ever anyway.

i was however a little reluctantly restrained.
a week ago i got mowed over by someone on the soccer team and landed on my ankle, which i twisted and screamed.
it killed.
therefore, last thursday i went to the doctor [WHOA. big shocker there. for real.] and i sprained it reallly badly but it looked horrible.
so now i'm in a boot at least until next thursday when i go back to the doctor.
great fun.
i get to wear this huge chunk of weight on my birthday. :)
hahah it's actually quite amusing.
but my ankle.. that's nasty.
o well though.

yes, today is adam's birthday. he is OLD. 28, people.
it's ok though, i still love him. lol

tomorrow is thanksgiving and i'm quite excited because i love this holiday.
who doesn't love loads of food to get incredibly fat off of?

friday is my 18th birthday.
i'm not excited about the age.
at all.
in fact it weirds/scares me beacuse i really don't want the future to be creeping up on me like that.
i have no idea what im going to do in the future, and i dont know when i'm ever gunna figure it out either..

BUT, asia took me out yesterday for my bday which was awesomeeeeee.
seriously, great day,
we went to tijuana flats for lunch. SO GOOOOOOOD.
i had been craving that for just about ever. [since summer, and thats close to forever].
then we went shopping for candy at wally world and browsing at tj maxx. [favorite store].
then.. we went to see......NEW MOON. i wasn't expecting it to take me over like that.
i mean i knew it was gunna be great, but HOLY CRAPPPPP.
Taylor Lautner,
Will you marry me?

hahah for real though,
LOOOOK at this:

oh buddy. :)

well that's what i'll end with.
:D haha

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