Sunday, November 15, 2009

late nights and early parades.

so car was yesterday sucked.
i got nauseous and felt like crap until like 1:30.
after that i felt just great. lol

we had the youth group party at 2 and quite a few people showed up.
sarah, christian, mari, natalee, jake, mary, marissa, ana, krista, and ivy with her kids came.
it was a lot of fun. we basically just chilled out, ate, watched the gator game, played soccer and football and whatnot. pretty sure everyone had a good time, and i know they loved the house. hahah

it was a good afternoon/night.
after everyone left i chilled out by the fire with dad and mom.
the weather is absolutely amazing.
i mean seriously. it's AMAZING.
favorite time of the year for sure.

today was great :)
i went to church with mom this morning, so i saw sarah, christian, patrick, and james. alex was there too cause her family was checkin out the church.
we came home after mom talked for about 1.5 hours. haha
i cleaned out my car and got it all nice and did school.
let me tell ya.. school is so freakin boring.
but once i get some done, i feel quite accomplished.

youth group tonight was a lot of fun :D
wait. when is it not? ha.. what a silly thought.
we played game and ate for the first hour, then ivy talked to us about our goals.
i have realized that my top 3 goals right now are
  • have a family
  • stop taking advantages of things in life
  • stop worrying so much about the future
hopefully i'll be able to accomplish them all.
of course the first one not for a while, but the other two could hurry up.
i'm really excited about youth group though because this coming weekend is the lock-in so it's gunna be fun.
after we were done and leaving, i realized that it'd be pretty awesome if we got patrick and james with silly string since i had some in the car.
wellll i gave it to sarah and we drove up near their car [which was actually their sister's because patrick's is gone for good. lol] and i thought at least james would be out of the car. well he wasn't. nah they were all in the car and sarah sprayed it all the way across a parking spot onto the car. patrick's jaw dropped wide open and he saw it. it was sooooo freakin funny.
i love youth group :)

well i gotta get some sleep.

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