Sunday, January 10, 2010

mr. right

is an awesome song.
a rocket to the moon, dudes. :

im starting to freak out again, though.
school starts this week and i just don't feel as prepared i have in the past.
i don't know why either, i just don't.
lately life has been so good.
i found a great guy friend who i can talk to about just anything with.
i have awesome friends.
things were going just great.
then i remembered school and everything that came with it.
i really don't know why i get so stressed and freaked out with it.
but i do.
i really need to just relax.
i need a day out to do something fun with someone i want to hang out with.
nothing but good things for a day would be really nice.
i don't know..
maybe after the first week everything will be fine.
i hope so.

that's really it though.
so goodnight.

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