Tuesday, January 26, 2010

throw your hands to the sky, like you're flying

throw your hands in the air cause we'll shake it up tonight.
hot, hot like a fire.
when electric hearts collide.

CASH CASH kills.
just letting you know.

seriously though.
get their 'take it to the floor' cd now.
it is SO good.

ok, so onto life.
school has actually been going realllllllllllly well.
the only thing im not excited about it french face to face classes.
i don't like those.
butttt i'll get over it.
after all.. it's only once every other week.
art 2d is alright.
nothing too special, but nothing bad either.
math is great. and seriously i mean it.
i'll get tired easily, but i'm always tired, so that doesn't really matter.
buttttt, i actually have people to talk to in that class, it's easy, and some other perks.
it's great though

soccer is over, so i am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy.
the days are a lot more relaxing now.
although i still take trips over to the school cause sarah is doing track.

i got a job too.
definitely part time cause it's only wednesday mornings, but it's still getting me some money.
however, i reallllllllly need an actual job.
i think i'm gunna apply to barnes and noble :)

ok. well nothing else is new.

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