Monday, April 19, 2010

The Things You Were

By Deas Vail, by the way.

Actually..even though I am totally in adoration of that song, all of Deas Vail's songs are brilliant.
Like, amazing.

Uh, so life.
Well life has been insane to say the least. But thankfully it has been pretty nice lately aside from a few things.
School has been crazy, but somehow I was able to get 7 assignments for English done in the past day, and got all my math homework done on time too. It's definitely relieving to know that I have gotten work done, especially in this last stretch before graduation.
And by the way, that is not as scary as it was, knowing that I have come this far, and it's not too far away, so not as much left to do.

Prom was this weekend. It was a lot of fun. I went with Christina and a group of her friends, and we went to Fujiama's in Melbourne for dinner. SO good. I was soo full though. Like, I felt like I was about to tear my dress, I felt so fat. Thankfully I didn't and I am not.
Pictures will come up soon, or at least I hope so. I got to get them from Christina.

Well, that is all for now.

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