Monday, May 31, 2010


I suppose I should fill you in on American Idol..

LEE WON!!!!!!!! :D
He is my favorite. Absolute favorite. [well ok, one of them, from this season]

Well.. We went to the Key's for the senior trip.
We left Monday and of course something had to go wrong on the way there. of the two mini busses broke down. It was mine, which we ironically named Hades. Wow. God of the dead. Nice going, huh? Haha.
Anyways, we all crammed into one mini bus which is actually really small when you have 16 people. It definietly got us to bond. Hahahha.
Nah it was actually a lot of fun, you just had to be flexible and willing to sit in slightly uncomfortable positions at times. Nothing I couldn't handle.
We got there around 9:00ish I think. I don't quite remember.
We stayed at a Baptist church in Big Pine Key. I thought it would suck for the most part with having to sleep on the floor and whatnot, but it was actually perfectly fine. I just woke up as an ice cube the next morning. Haha. It was fine though.
Tuesday we went snorkeling in Looe Key, and let me tell was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The water was incredible. When we were on the boat moving, it looked so smooth and colorful like it was painted instead of the real thing. The colors were amazing. I really cannot describe what it looked like, it was too insane. I swam with plenty of creatures as well.. There was this HUGE tarpon. Like five feet huge. There was also a bunch of barracudas, a sea turtle, spotted eagle rays, parrot fish, some other types of fish and sharks. Yea.. I said sharks. Dude, it was SOOO coool. I swam right above one! It was really only like 4-5 feet long, but it was still a shark. I started to swim after it but then Morgan grabbed my fin to stop me. I suppose that was the smart thing to do. Haha. The guys saw a 6-7 footer which turned out to be a pregnant female. I swam in the same water at a 7 foot prego shark! hahhahah. Ryan apparently swam after that one. It was truly incredible though. After snorkeling we went to the No-Name Pub which was this restaurant out in the middle of no where with dollar bills allllllll over the walls and ceiling. Really cool place. We got showers after that then headed to Key West for the rest of the afternoon and early evening. It was okay down there. I expected it to be a lot cooler, but it wasn't all that bad. I was really exhausted from walking around in the heat though. We went to the Key Lime Pie Factory because some people wanted to get some Key Lime Pie but I just sat and across the street at some bar were like 4 cross dressers. Disgusting, dude. We basically just stared at them in horror until we left. We hit up Miami Subs for dinner, but I got a salad instead of a sub. I guess that wasn't very traditional of me since it was a sub place after all. Oh well, it was still good. That was the night I discovered the game "Quelf" which is, in short, AMAZING. It was SOOO much fun! I still need to buy that game because it was freakin awesome! I gained the name Sweetie Pie and the chance to talk about my hometown in Sri Lanka and the plight of the timber wolf. Oh and of course talk in a British accent while saying 'The pen is mightier than the sword." I'm telling you.. that game is wonderful!
Wednesday we went kayaking at..crap I forgot the name of the place. It was a state park though, reallllly pretty water. Anyways.. we went kayaking and there was this island. I was set on getting there, and apparently other people were as well. It was soo freakin cool. Well, not really. The island was full of rocks and that was about it. But the trip there and back was awesome. When we got there our natural instinct was to explore. When we were done and ready to go back, it started to rain. We waited a little bit until we thought it was clear enough to go. So we leave, and about half way there [at the most] it starts to rain. Then, it starts to pour. By the time we get back to shore, we are sore and soaking wet. Was it worth it? Of course! I had a blast and I totally beat all the guys back to shore, it was fantastic. It was still pouring when we returned our stuff so we had to wait a little bit until it let up to cook out for lunch. By the time we got there it was clear and beautiful out. We ate and hung out. I explored a bridge with the most beautiful view with Spencer and Stephanie. After a nice afternoon out we showered and then headed back to the church where we were going to have dinner with the church. We had beef stroganoff which was a little odd looking but didn't taste bad. After eating I was talking to Ryan and Morgan, and then I became the laughing stock of a beef stroganoff joke. I'll leave it at that,  just know that it was SOOOOOOOO ridiculously funny. After dinner we went to youth group with the churches youth, which was pretty cool. We hung out and played basketball and volleyball afterwards, until I got another volleyball to play soccer with. Then me and Ryan went and played then Rachel and Kristyn joined. So much fun, dude. So much fun. After the youth group was over and people were leaving, we played phase 10. Then a bunch of people went to get ice cream, which by the way, was delicious! Although we ended up talking about saying 'Nuts!' for about an hour and talking about farting and all that nice stuff for the longest time. Ryan started the 'Nuts!' conversation, though, after about 3 huge glasses of root beer. You can assume insanity. It was soo much fun though. The next day we went to the Dolphin Research Center because the church's youth group leader actually works there, so she got us in for free. It was awesome. We got to pet the dolphins and see the babies. It was really cool. And free! After that we headed home. By the time I got back I was so ready to sleep.
All in all it was such an incredible trip.

We left around 9:30 and I was still exhausted from the Key's so I read Percy Jackson [The Last Olympian] and ended up falling asleep. The trip went well, and when we got to Savannah we went to Texas Roadhouse in one of the malls, and shopped around. I love Bass Pro Shop, just letting you all know. Too bad it was all soooo expensive. Maybe when I have more money I'll get something. Hopefully that is soon. We spent the afternoon chilling out and looking around town. We went downtown for Sarah's team meeting. SCAD was having a concert in the park for the graduates, which was awesome. Great music. We went on a walk around town with her team and me and Beka ended up getting subs at Jimmy John's after it was over. Let me tell you... the most BEAUTIFUL boy ever made me is favorite sub [because I asked him what he recommended ;) haha], and it was quite delicious! Saturday Sarah had a game at 12:30 but she rode with Lauren so Mom, Beka, and I shopped around at thrift stores, which by the way sucked. then went to her game which she lost 1-0. Hard played game but the other team got lucky in the last 10 minutes of the game. Lame. We got food and did whatever until her next game which they won 4-1. Then we went back to the hotel, got cleaned up, then headed out to downtown. Mom and Sarah went on a ghost tour while Beka and I ventured the streets of Downtown Savannah. It was pretty cool but I was way tired by the time the ghost tour was over. We went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner. Some wicked cool pizza place. I swear, there were like 12323 cute guys there. However, the one I had a perfect view of was the most beautiful one of them all; the salad boy. Haha. He had a white bandana around his lovely head of brown longish hair, listening to an ipod. He also had an anchor tattoo on his right forearm. How do I know this all? Well he was beautiful and, like I said before, I had a perfect view [and a really good memory]. ;) Haha. I was exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel, so I went straight to bed. The next day Sarah had a game at 11:30. If she won she would go on to the finals at 2. If not, time to go home. They didn't win. In fact they got crushed. But the other team worked for it. So after the game we went to lunch then went to a different part of downtown to the SCAD bookstore. OH MY GOSH. I am in LOVE with that place! It was GORGEOUS! There were columns made out of stacks of books. And.. they had a Percy Jackson book that was all in detail about everything and everyone in it. I looked at it for like 10 minutes then decided I was too cheap to get it and I should probably find my family that ran away. It was awesome though. Then we explored other shops. There was this one place, this one AWESOME place, that was like a thrift store but not. I guess you could sell stuff there, but then they had brand new items, but it was all sweet looking clothes, like vintagy, hipster stuff. I got a new pair of aviators cause I crushed my other ones [haha] and these tight anchor earrings. Anyways, we spent the rest of the afternoon exploring awesome places [like The Paris Market, or something of the sort. Sweeeet store!] and heading home. By the time we got home I was so tired, but I somehow managed to stay awake for a while. Hmm.. is Memorial Day. So thank you from the most sincere corner of my heart to all the troops that have dedicated their lives to fighting for our freedom. We shouldn't be thankful just one day of the year. More like every day of our lives. Thank you the most to my brother, Jonah. Love you, bro!

Well I really need some sleep, so au revoir mes amis!

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