Monday, June 28, 2010

Good Girls Go Bad

So long story short on the whole camp thing, I LOVE WEKIVAAAAA!
I know I've already stated that, but I feel the need to repeat it over and over and over and over [etc.] again.
Orientation was fabulous. Usually those sort of things are boring, but not at camp. No way.
Co-ed week was awesome as well.
There were the usual pains in the butt, but I managed to make it out alive and well.
However, I miss my buds big time. Like, BIG time.
I will be heading back there to pick Tim up on Saturday, so I'll get to see them then, and hopefully get to hang out with them at least once more before the summer is over.
I do plan on hanging out with them over the year, though. Whether they like it or not. ;)
I know there is much more to tell, but I don't really feel like writing right now.
Maybe later.

Night friends!

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