Monday, August 9, 2010

Adrift on the ocean floor..

110. My last name: Compton
109. I was born in: a hospital.
108. I am really: a smart blonde.
107. My phone is: bipolar.
106. My eye color is: Blue
105. My ring size is: something I do not know. 
104. My height is: 5'2.
103. I am allergic to: nothing. I am invincible! jk.
102. I was born on: November 27, 1991.
101. I am annoyed by: nuisances.
100: What happened to question 189? What'chu talkin bout Willis?
99. My bed is: lovely.
98: One thing you don’t like about yourself: The way I go into defense mode with guys. Or just don't talk to them because I'm a fraidy cat.
97. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? side.
96. How do you vent anger? I usually yell..or plug my ipod in as fast as possible.
95. How did your day start off? Quite right. I woke up to Nickel Creek. Lovely sounds, I tell ya.
94. Do you get along with guys or girls better? Guys. 
93. How do you think you look right this moment? Ok. Nothing special.
92. Last person you went to the movies with? My brother and his family.
91. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas and my birthday.
90. The last CD I bought was: "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed" - Sky Sailing. WHOOOOOOOOP!
89. Do you have any siblings? Uh, duh.
88. What did you do yesterday? Went to church, taught Sunday school, went to a party, hung out with Cortney at the mall, then came home and made some ridiculous Italian dinner for my family.
87. When in doubt?: Pray
:::I Do /Do Not Believe In::::
86. Love at first sight? Nah. Attraction sure. 
85. Luck? No.
84. Fate? Sure.
83. Aliens?: Nope.
82. Heaven?: Absolutely.
81. Hell?: Yep.
80. Ghosts? Nah
79. Horoscopes? Uh, no. those are freakin stupid.
78. Soulmates?: Yea.
77. Karma? In a way. But it's not really a force that's turning things on you, it's the people you turned on in the first place.

:::Which is Better?:::
76. Drunk or High? drunk
75. On the phone or online: online
74. Red heads or blondes? blondes duhhh
73. Blondes or Brunettes? BLONDES. 
72. Hot or cold?: Cold
71. Summer or Winter: Winter
70. Chocolate or vanilla? C h o c o l a t e.
69. Night or Day?: How, it incorporates night. HA!
68. Oranges or Apples?: Oranges
67. Curly or Straight hair:? Wavy

::Here’s What I Think About:::
66. Abortion: Disgusting and wrong.
65. Backstabbers: have no sense.
64. Parents: Heroes.

:::Last time I:::
63. hugged someone: yesterday
62. Saw someone: a few minutes ago. 
61: Cried in front of someone? I don't remember

60. Who is the ditziest person you know? Beka. However, she does have sense.She just likes being weird too.
59. Who makes you laugh? All my friends and family.
58. Last show you watched? Music Videos/Teen Mom
57. What you don’t understand is? WHY CAN'T I TALK TO THE BOY I WANT TO TALK TO?!?!??!
56. The most unsatisfying answer: Because.
55. Something I really miss when I leave home is? My family.
54. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is? Knowing what exactly I want to do.
53. Tomorrow: Tuesday. One day closer to Wednesday! haha
52. Today: First soccer practice where I'm coaching!
51. Next Summer: GERMANY!!!
50. This Weekend: Soccer games and hanging out before school starts.
49. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: My family, Asia, Cortney, Alexis, Rachel, GOD.
48. The most difficult thing to do is? Be good.
47. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: ever in my life. 
46. The first person I talked to today was: My mom.
45. First time you had a crush: First real crush: Tim Davis.
44. The one person who I can’t hide things from: God.
43. Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday I believe.
42. Right now I am talking to? No one.
41. What is your dream job? Something with music, art, or literature in International Studies.
40. First job? Babysitting.
39. I have had these pets: dogs, cats, bunnies, birds, raccoon, chickens, ducks
38. I can still see: toes. Thank God. If I couldn't see my toes I would need to start exercising asap.
37. The worst sound in the world is? plastic candy wrappers.
36. The person who makes me cry the most? I don't know.
35. Best sound in the world?: Laughter.
34. Who makes you happy? My friends, family, everyone I know. Even people I don't know.
33. Cats or dogs?: Dogs
32. Myspace or Facebook: Facebook.
31. Mexican food or Chinese? Mexican.
30. My favorite piece of clothing? I dunno. I love my clothes.
29. My favorite color(s) are: Blue and green
28. Last time I cried: Dont remember
27. My friends: are my life.
26. My computer is? tiny!
25. Last person I got mad at: dunno.
24. Person you secretly crush on?: A beautiful boy..
23. Favorite place to eat?: Tijuana Flats.
22. Favorite Song?: "Flowers of the Field" - Sky Sailing
21. The all-time best show is: The Mentalist
20. The all-time best feeling in the world is: Being happy/loved
19. Favorite scent: vanilla
18. What color is your hairbrush: Blue and black
17. Favorite shoes: SPERRYS!
16. I lose all respect for people who: have no sense/morals
15. Favorite channel to watch: I don't know. I don't watch TV all that much.. CBS I guess, since that's what the Mentalist is on!
14. favorite food: Italian
13. favorite day of the week: Anyday that I enjoy.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: ankle?
10. Best Memory: Far too many to choose from.
9. Favorite TV show? Good Lord. Quit repeating questions please.
8. My favorite singer/band: Owl City/Sky Sailing, Forever The Sickest Kids, Chase Coy, ROAR, Jack Johnson, Parachute, Switchfoot, Relient K
7. Favorite Stuffed Animal? Tubby the Turtle
6. Greatest Fear: dying. 
5. My weakness is: food & music. AND BOYS.
4. When was your last concert? Forever ago.. I don't even remember what it was.
3. Who broke your heart? I haven't let anyone do that.
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: being loved/happy
1. One person that you wish you could see right now? Um yea.. some boy.

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