Monday, August 9, 2010

We're trying hard to alleviate this dizzy feeling

At the beginning of summer I felt as if I had everything under control, I knew exactly what I was going to do in college, what I would major in. 
Now, that feeling is slipping away. 
I was for sure headed towards majoring in English and getting a degree so I could teach and write. Then my mind changed to majoring in International Studies. Then I got asked the question of what exactly would I do with a degree in IS? Well.. I honestly have no idea what I could do with that. No clue whatsoever. 
So as of right now I have no idea where I am headed in life. I know for a fact that I will be finishing up my AA as soon as possible without killing myself over it. The thing is, once I'm done with my AA, I have to go onto the next step which is taking classes to get a degree in something, whatever it might be, forcing me to make up my mind about what I want to do in the future. 
I hate this. It confuses me so much and I have no idea what to do. 
I know over time I will figure it out, but I need to know now. I have to. I will go insane freaking out about everything, and as I freak out and finish up classes and reach the point of AA completion.. I will have come to the point where I need a decision and I still won't have one. 
This is a huge problem. 

On the bright side of things.. I am taking Comm 1, Speech, Humanities [Ancient through Byzantine culture], and General Biology this semester. I am coaching Abby's soccer team [practice starts tonight!] while getting to practice with Curtis' team on Mondays after Abby's practice. Wednesday's is Firehouse which I am legitimately stoked about. Then Saturday starts my job at the concession stand. 
In a week school will start and everything for this semester will be set into play. 
Oh yea, and yesterday Sunday school started for the new year with Ms. Kim and I teaching 7th & 8th graders, which is already going quite well. I'm excited for this year. 
I really am. 

I'm just scared for what comes after this.

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