Saturday, March 5, 2011


WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!
Who gives a rip if I ruin it for people on here. No one reads this blog anyway, which is fine by me cause then I can really spill what's going on in my life.

Anyways, I loved it.
I want to see it again right now.
I might [seriously] go and see it again, because I liked it that much.
Definitely buying it when it comes out.
When I make that decision [usually] I stick tight to it.

So yea, It was so freakin good.
Especially with the whole letter thing. Lindy nailed it when she said romance was lost because no one ever writes long-hand letters anymore. DO YOU REALIZE HOW BADLY I WANT A GUY TO WRITE ME A LONG-HAND LETTER?!?!??!?!?!
I don't think you do.
SO BADLY. <-- that is the correct answer.
Ahh... It makes me think of brilliant guys that actually take the time to look at, and I mean really look at a girl. Not just her outside appearance, but the inside of her heart as well. What she is like when people aren't looking.
I want a guy to do that for me.
I guess it might take forever for me to find that guy, but I've decided that I'm not gunna keep chasing boys to find him, because if he's the right one he will be the one coming after me.

Good Lord, that was a great movie.

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