Thursday, March 3, 2011


How do you think you have impacted other people?
Is it negatively or positively?
Have you really taken a step back and looked at how you treat others?
Are you treating them how you would want to be treated?
Or are you comparing yourself to them, deciding they aren’t cool enough, then shutting them down because you want to make yourself seem higher than they are?
Everyone just stop. Stop what you are doing right now. Right. Now.
Think about the way you treat others. Not just the people you like, but the one’s you don’t care for as well.
Are you talking trash behind their back, or smirking in front of their face? Are you constantly making them feel less so you can make yourself look best? Are you realizing what you are actually doing to them?
One little comment of, “You’re pale,” could be the trigger for them to end their life.
Maybe that condescending smirk you played in their direction was the final breaking point for them. Maybe that was when they realized they weren’t worthy of taking up any more space in this world. Maybe that was the end.
You don’t think about those things when you say stuff like that do you? DO YOU?
Put yourself in their shoes for a second. What if you walked the halls of school only to be laughed at and made fun of every day by people that were in the “cool” crowd? What if you had no one to talk to because you felt as if no one listened? What if any good that came out of your day was completely wiped away when you, yet again, got pushed around and teased? What if you thought the world seemed better without you?
What if you were thinking these things?
We are too selfish to think about the one’s we are putting down because we are too busy trying to make ourselves look bigger and better.
Guess what? WE AREN’T.
If we treat people like dirt, we are less than that.
We could be the one’s ending other people’s lives because of how freakin selfish we are.
Why should we control whether they live or not? We shouldn’t, but sometimes these people can’t help but give us that control because we are so ever convincing that we know what’s good and what’s not.
Who are we to judge? We’re just as messed up as anyone else. If not more.

Here’s a challenge for all of you. Every single one of you.

Go out of the way to talk to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to. Go out of your way to talk to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to. Stop standing around judging others, or listening to your friends judge others because it is just as bad, and do something to let them know they are worthy to live. Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about the people you know have it hard.
Once a day talk to someone you wouldn’t. Or, just smile at them, because getting a smile from someone you wouldn’t expect one from can make a world’s difference.

It is time to start living for real. And that means living for something more than us.

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