Saturday, March 19, 2011

You Have Stolen My Heart

I have a problem. A huge problem.
There is a boy. His name is Will and he is beautiful. He's smart, kind, he has manners. I'm tellin you, he's perfect. He also has really nice arms [I know.. it's weird, but he does] annnnnnd he listens to Blink 182. He listens to Blink 182!!!!!!! Can he please ask me out already?! Or at least talk to me..
See, that is my problem. As wonderful as he is [or as he seems.. I don't exactly know him..], I have yet to actually talk to him. To make it all much, much worse.. I blew a perfectly good chance on Wednesday. I freaked and just did not talk to him when I could have so stinkin easily. It's awful.
I have made it my goal, however, to talk to him Monday. If I do not I think I will die. Die of being a miserable failure at talking to boys. It's not like it should even be that hard. He doesn't know me so he cannot judge me, but I am already scared to death of talking to him.
I will though.
Haha.. that's his name.. Will..


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