Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ha. Ha. Haaaaaaa!

I just read that last entry I posted on here...
It's pretty hilarious.

Yea, so he turned out to be a pot head. Really nice, huh?
Yea...not so much.
But that's quite alright cause lately I've been pretty free from boys, which is a serious relief.

I apologize for the severe lack of writing on here. I guess I sort of forgot my blog... :(
It's all Tumblr's fault.
Any-who, I wanted to let you all [whoever you may be] know that I will indeed be posting on here again.
Why, you ask? Well, I have decided to stop thinking about and dreaming of writing a book. Instead, I have made a decision to actually put all that dreaming into action.
I have officially started the basics of writing a novel. My novel. Ah! This excites me!
The overall theme is of course girl meets boy, girl likes boy, what happens to boy and girl?! That sort of thing.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for teen novels, so that's exactly what my book is going to be about.
The whole push for me to actually do this was from reading Sarah Dessen's newest book [her tenth! Congrats Sarah!] What Happened To Goodbye. It is AMAZING! I loved every bit of it and stayed up until three in the morning reading it. It took me a day to read and was so worth the lack of sleep in order to finish it.
Anyways, Sarah has always been a huge role model for me. She is my literary hero, as she writes my favorite books ever. The first time I picked up one of her books to read, I wasn't sure what to expect. I am sort of skeptical when it comes to books. If it doesn't interest me within the first two chapters, hopefully the first, I ditch it. Her books caught my attention during the first page. I swear, her books are so freakin good, if you don't like them you're insane.
So, seeing how she was able to write such incredible books, and my love for reading and writing and making up stories, finally pushed me to actually write a book. Of course, it will be a long process, but I've done my research to find out how exactly to effectively write a book. I. Am. So. Excited. I have gotten a basic outline done, the major characters synopsis' are completed, and my story line is falling into place!
I've been taking my sister to work at an art studio [how the heck did she land such a cool job?!] in Cocoa Village, which is basically downtown Cocoa but no one calls it that. Anyways, she only works a few hours, and since she's only fourteen she can't drive, therefore, I drop her off and pick her up. So, I've been spending those few hours I have at a cafe down the street that has wifi, sweet tea, homemade ice cream, and baguettes. Really if it has one of those things I'm sold, so all of them equals a very pleased me. But, just to point this out, it doesn't compete with Sunrise Bakery. That place is the BEST. Back to what I was trying to get at...It's the perfect atmosphere for me to write, so I have been doing that there for the past two days. I would like to say I've come pretty far too. It's only day three and the whole storyline seems to be falling into place quite well.
I'm so serious. This is, by far, one of the most incredible feelings. I am SOOOOOOO happy to have the ability to write [Thank you God for that one ;) ] and SOOOO grateful for Sarah Dessen, as she is, indeed, my hero.

Besides writing, life is pretty good. Things have gotten slow since school is out and babysitting jobs are not so constant. But that opens me up for writing and going on random little adventures. It's pretty fun.
Next month I have orientation for camp and the OWL CITY/MAT KEARNEY/UNWED SAILOR CONCERT!!!!!! I am SO excited. Can you tell?! It's going to be swell!
In July I will be at camp, working, for three of the four weeks. It will be pretty hectic, but I handled all four weeks last summer, so, no sweat.
Other than that I'm not really sure what else to write! I am going to try and post daily, or at least weekly, and hopefully get a Top Ten Adventures [of the week] going. I will probably post that on Fridays. Also, I want to try and get a video blog going. I'll try and post that once a week too, but most likely on Mondays or Wednesdays. We'll see! I'll try and keep you all updated on my writing and life and whatever else there is to talk about!

Well, that's all for now.
Au revoir!


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