Sunday, July 31, 2011

Home At Last

Hey there! It's been about a month since I last posted something on here.
I just got back from four weeks at camp yesterday. It was fun, but completely draining and made me really miss home. Needless to say, I am overjoyed to be back.
However, it's weird; the transition between camp and being home. At camp I'm on a schedule. The activities are planned so precisely. Whereas, here, at home, everything is much more free flowing and flexible. I asked my mom what was going on this week and she replied with a few set plans, but for the most part I am going to have to find something to do. Not that I don't enjoy this flexibility, it's just weird after having a month of strict planning.
But, I'm definitely ready for a change in pace.
School starts in two weeks which I am absolutely stoked about. I keep getting online to see if my teachers have posted the roster yet. They haven't which is driving me nuts because I really want to see if I know anyone in any of my classes.
I really am excited though. I have two art classes [ceramics and graphic design] and Intro to Business and Western Civilization. This semester is going to be great. Pretty chill for the most part and it's my last semester here full time at BCC. Right now I'm going through the transfer process for UCF which really excites me for the spring semester. Finally a Knight! [well, almost..] Brenden has class the same days as me so hopefully we'll get to hang out over the semester since we don't have a class together this semester. I am SO ready for a new place with new faces and new adventures.
Speaking of new things... I'm getting a haircut. That's pretty vague right there, but this picture will clear things up a bit..
Yep. I'm chopping it again. But this time I'm not chickening out and going halfway. I'm going all the way. Woo!
I'm nervous, but I'm SO stoked and ready to do this. :)

Hmm. Well, that is all for now. I'm going to get stuff ready for school.. two weeks in advance.. Ugh. I'm so impatient.. hahaha


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