Wednesday, August 17, 2011


You know what I really want?
A good guy friend.
Just a friend. But a guy.
A guy, because I need a different point of view on things. A guy, because they don't worry as much as girls. A guy, because they're just easier to get along with. A guy, because most girls are chock-full of drama. I'm so over drama.
I want to be able to talk to him about anything and everything without worrying about him backing up and leaving me because he just doesn't want to talk. I want him to be there to support me when I need it, comfort me when I'm sad, and make me laugh just because. I just want a good friend that's a guy.
Is that too much to ask for?

But on the bright side..!

  • I like my classes for the most part
  • I don't have school Thursdays or Fridays, and obviously not Saturdays or Sundays
  • The Intense Cardio class is Awesome
  • Lunch tomorrow with Grandma
Ok. I'm done. 

Actually... I forgot to tell you all..
I'm going to start weekly posts; Ten things I'm thankful for on Thursdays, and a video post [not sure when yet, though].

Ok, bye!


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