Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When Anxiety Takes Over

You know when you read a verse and it's got some impact on you, but then you kind of forget about it?
Yea, that happened recently. But because of something unfortunate, I was reminded of the lesson within in it once again.
Ok, so what unfortunate happened, right?
Welllll......Christmas came and I got all super stoked about getting everybody awesome presents. So much so that I didn't pay enough attention to my bank account.. So yea..
This week I have to buy a parking permit for school, and next week I have to get books [I'm waiting until the week classes start because last semester I got screwed over..] for all my classes.
Considering all of this, I looked into my bank account. Uh. Heh heh... Yea, not a pretty sight.
I literally dwindled away so much money without realizing it. Not so much that I am completely broke, but because I haven't worked for about two weeks with the normal schedule I have, I literally have had no income to support my pathetically self-centered lifestyle.
This fact tells me two things; first, I need to manage my money more carefully and start planning ahead for things like this [Don't get me wrong.. I did plan.. just not well enough, apparently] and secondly, I spend money like no tomorrow and most of the time, with the exception of Christmas, it's on myself and whatever craze I'm going through.
Because of this sudden rush to get money somehow to pay for a parking permit and books, I became way too freaked out over it all. I had to figure out how the heck I was going to make money for all that, plus gas. I have jobs coming up, but none for this weekend, which I'm seriously desperate for.
I am driving to Orlando on Saturday night, and the thought of having enough money for gas, tolls, and food freaked me out. Then thinking about everything else regarding school just made things worse.
So, last night I was taking all this in, trying to figure out what else I need to spend my money on, and ways I can earn money, and fast.
I have a tendency to overthink things and stress out over them way more than I need to.
The point where I was practically dying to go to sleep [but couldn't because of my thoughts gone haywire] was the point where I realized that I didn't need to be freaking out over all of this.
It reminded me of the verse, 1 Peter 5:7: Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.
It kinda hit me that I really had no reason to worry because, somehow, God had a plan for all of this to work out just fine.
I prayed a simple prayer requesting peace to come just so I could sleep. Almost immediately I forgot what I was thinking way too hard about, and even when I tried to remember [don't ask why I tried to do such a horrid thing.. I'm not really sure.. ahaha], I couldn't. I fell right asleep after that.
This morning I woke up with reminders of things I remembered last night during that freak-out phase, that I still had to do in order to be prepared for school next week. I got out of the house, went to the gym, visited my favorite library, went shopping [No worries, my friends, I had a giftcard. Although.. I did spend $11 on accident because I thought I had more money on my giftcard than I actually did..whoops], and had some quality time with my mom. I think that trip was important for many reasons, but mainly because it helped me stop freaking out about finances, and focus more on the great things going on in my life, and get to share them with my mom.
I still had things I needed to figure out how I was going to pay for them, but then I started taking things into account; I got a new job offer yesterday, giving potential to two jobs for next week, making a total of 5 probable jobs for next week, 4 the following week. -For all of you confused as to what I do... I babysit. Or, nanny as my dad likes to call it, because I don't just sit on children.. ha. That's a joke, my friends... It's sort of more like a in-home childcare service.. if I must sound professional. Ha..
Anywayssss..... All these jobs seemed to all of a sudden pop up in my schedule, giving me comfort as to my spending for this weekend [necessary things like food and gas. Tolls are taken care of with the $34 I have in change. Ahaha.] and the fact that I will, indeed, be able to get books when I need them.

It's kind of crazy how much we worry about things, when we're all one prayer away from peace.
I really encourage everyone of you to take a second and rethink what you're overthinking. Is it really worth it when the Creator of all has the ability to vanquish such dread? Uh, "no" should be the obvious answer here.

I hope all is well with all of you for the remainder of the week. Well, forever really, but until I wish it upon you again..


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