Monday, March 17, 2008

i dont even know.

i am completely drained.
i have been so tired lately that i havent been able to do anything.
yesterday was amazing at the fair but today sucked big time.
am i to blame for everyone else's faults?
i guess so.

today i was doing school and my laptop keeps shutting down on me, and im getting sick and tired of it.
so i decided to let it rest.
and since i was done cleaning the kitchen and had mary sweep i decided to go outside and read.
which made me more tired so i went inside and fell asleep.
during the time that i was sleeping they ate and made a huge mess out of the kitchen, and did a very crappy job of cleaning the floor.
i told my mom we were going driving today. she stayed out all day.
i dont want to go to practice because im so tired. but i need to get this out.
my eyes are half open right now..
anyways.. im just so sick and tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. i never asked to be mom.
my mind is so mixed up right now because there is so much on it. and no one else can see that so they don't what im going through right now.
actually right now im crying and im not sure why.
theres just too much stuff going on.

i have to go..

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