Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lost In A Silent Ballet

Well, again I apologize for the lack of posting.

To catch you up on a few things, here is what has been going on lately...

  • Christmas and the new year rang in brightly
  • Babysitting has officially started back up
  • I think I'm actually growing up
  • I got dreadfully sick on Sunday [like.. throw up sick.]
  • The very next day [yesterday] school started back up
Thankfully, I was feeling a lot better, enough so to be able to go to school, which I was actually looking very much forward to going to. 
Today is the second day of school for the semester. Two more classes, Communications 2 and Psychology. I'm most definitely stoked about Comm 2 because one, it's writing, two, I have it with one of my best friends, Brenden, so that will be nice. Psych on the other hand.. I'm thinking it will surely be interesting, but I don't know if it's hard or not, or if I will know anyone there. Oh well, there is always the quaint option of making new friends. And maybe actually keeping them, outside of school. 
Statistics [yesterday's class] is with Sarah, so that is nice as well. Thursday I have Humanities with Lauren, although she won't be there. I don't know if there is anyone else in that class..

Other than school I have been tremendously overwhelmed by the fact that a boy exists. Just kidding, but only sort of. 
There is a boy, however, I have no idea if he even comes close to liking me. Apparently it is obvious to others that he does. I don't know.. 
Anyways.. originally he was going away this semester to go to a college other than a community one [A.K.A. BCC], so I decided that maybe I should just stop liking him and give up all hope of anything ever happening between us. Well, I did that. Kind of. I just stopped reaching for conversation because I knew it would eventually come to an end anyway. Well... He didn't leave. He's still here, and I'm still stuck. 
It's horrible too. I listen to these songs that remind me oh so much of him, some even get relatively bad as I end up missing him an awful lot [am I allowed to do so?]. The problem is..most people would say 'just stop listening to the music'..I can't. The music is what helps me breathe and go on through the day. Without it my days tend to suck. With it.. well it makes them hard as heck. 
I kind of wish I didn't like him, but at the same time I wouldn't want that to happen because what if, just what if, he liked me back? How glorious would that be?! 
I suppose I'll just keep working at being friends and whatever happens, happens. 

Oh, and I am quite thankful for everything life is throwing my way. 
Whatever the reason might be for all the difficulties is still a reason, so no need to fight it.

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