Monday, February 14, 2011


Oh my gosh.
Adam Young has captured my heart yet again.

This time, however, he did it by covering Taylor Swift's "Enchanted" [which she originally wrote for him], tweaked it a little bit, and sang it to her as a reply to her song.
I am in love.
It was one of the most incredible covers/replies of Enchanted ever. EVER.
Go listen to her original version, then to his. It will blow your mind if you are a fan of them.
Which I am, BIG time.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, I love it!!

Ok, you probably want to hear about other things though.
Let's see what has been going on...

  • School
  • Firehouse
  • Babysitting
  • Family
  • Boys/Him
We will start with school. 
I hate my Communications 2 class. Why, you ask? Because my teacher does not grade well, at all. I write, what I think to be, rather well; however, she fails to see that and grades oddly so I end up with grades that are far from what I believe that I deserve. I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who thinks this way about the whole situation. That's what I get for signing up for a class to be with a friend in it. Not worth it, at all. A little piece of advice to everyone in college or going into college. Do not let having the joy of being in class with a friend convince you to choose a class with someone that you do not even know who they are. Not a good thing. 
On the other hand, Psychology and Humanities are okay. Not really digging either of them too much right now, but I don't mind them either. Statistics is my favorite, by far. It's math, which oddly enough I enjoy, so that's good. Also, Sarah is in it with me, so we study together [which really means talking and eating while doing some homework]. Honestly, after last semester I knew this semester would have to be amazing to beat it. It was the best. And yes, I am still talking about school. Even with Biology I loved last semester. Oh well, better make the best of this one. Only one more semester at BCC after this one!

Next on the agenda, Firehouse.
We'll start with Sunday School more specifically. 
Sunday School has been going well. For the most part, that is. I got to teach by myself last Sunday as Kim was out of town. However, I also had 9th grade because Holly was out of town too. That means I was teaching 7th, 8th, and 9th grades and trying to keep them under control. Being only 19 and teaching 7th and 8th grade doesn't sound to bad, but it isn't as easy as one would expect. At least when they're girls. It's so hard to gain, and attain, their attention. They want to be somewhere else. They would rather be texting each other as they sit 2 inches apart. They just don't want to pay attention to someone who is talking about the Bible, when they know they can easily get away with doing whatever they want. That is not to say I let them do whatever they want, they just don't give me the respect I need. It's hard. It really is. But, I enjoy it. I am learning that it isn't about me. It's all about God, no matter how hard the task at hand may be. I will conquer those girls. 
Onto Firehouse.
I love Wednesday nights. I look forward to Wednesday nights every day. It is one of those things that keeps me stable. Like family, friends, music, GOD, it keeps me able to focus on what is important. And the fact that it ties God into it makes it even better. Firehouse is one of those places where I'm there for the kids, but I get to benefit from it as well. It's so awesome. 
There is a group of girls there that I absolutely adore. They are gems. They show me that Firehouse's purpose is getting through to them. They live it out in their daily lives and I can see it prospering. It's so amazing. And it's so amazing that I get to be part of making that happen. It is one of the best feelings in the world. Hopefully I will be able to start a small group with them because I think it's something that they could really benefit from. I know that throughout my high school years having just one person there that I know I could talk to about anything if I needed to, made such a huge impact on me. I want to be that person for them. I know it's something they need with everything that goes on in high school. I know. On top of that, I really think that is what God is calling me to right now. Those girls specifically because they have impacted me. I'm so stoked for all of this to happen. I'm so ready. 

Actually, I haven't minded babysitting at all this semester. I am babysitting angels. Angels, I tell you! These kids are so amazingly close to perfect. It's great. And, on the plus side, I'm making money while getting to hang out with them! It's a nice life having this as my job. 
Well, most of the time anyway. 

So, family. 
I think I am getting closer with my parents. For all of you who know my parents, you know that this is really a good thing. My dad is extraordinarly protective of us, but I think he may be loosening up a bit. There is still a barrier between him and my mom that I want to break down. The boy barrier. In due time, I suppose. 
Everyone else is pretty good. Beka and I have our moments, as do Sarah and I, but we get through them. 
I wouldn't ever trade them in for anyone else. Never. 

I don't even know where to begin with this one. It's so complex and confusing. I guess that's what I get for liking a guy. It's almost so insane to deal with. I wish I could just stop liking him so all the confusion and madness would be over with, but it's not that easy. I like him to the point where it sucks to like him because I have no idea if he likes me back. The worst part of it is that I want so badly to tell him that I like him, but I'm far to scared of the response. I don't know what to expect and I don't think I could handle it if it goes the opposite way. It sucks to be like this. To like him so much that I want to tell him, but I can't because my fear of rejection holds me back. I don't know what to do. At all. If anyone does, please, please let me know. 
I was enchanted to meet him...

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