Thursday, February 24, 2011

Talk Of The Town

Jack Johnson is a dream.
A sweet, sweet, soothing dream.
Babysitting my precious nephew at the moment.. Thanks to the sounds of the [fake] ocean and Jack Johnson his screaming as stopped and his slumber has arrived.
Thank you, Jack Johnson, thank you.

Cute boy has officially captured my attention.
He even inspired me to write yesterday, it was wonderful.
That makes me sounds stalkerish.. I swear I'm not! Haha
Back to my point though. He is cute. He wore a Blink 182 shirt Monday. He is obviously smart because he speaks up in class [and knows what he is talking about], and I accidentally got his last test my mistake [The teacher gave it to me, I promise I didn't take it just to talk to him. That worked out on it's own. Har-dee-har-har ;)] and he got a perfect score. He also has Skull Candy headphones [Yes, I know that isn't huge, but I LOVE Skull Candy. The only headphones I am impressed with. I must have them, otherwise whatever I am using is crap]. And, he went to the library yesterday [I was NOT following him. I was headed there myself, as I do after class every Monday and Wednesday], and yes, I know it's not saying much, but he still went to the library, one of my favorite places.
We're meant to be.
Hahha, maybe.

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