Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best Friend

I have this deep desire:

I really want a best friend. More than that, really.
I want a guy best friend. One that can understand the things I'm trying to convey, but through a different perspective. One that respects the position of 'best friend'. One that whole-heartedly will back me up when I'm right, but purposely stands firm to his beliefs when he is right. One that can make me smile when it seems like my whole world is falling apart, but show me that there is still something to be thankful for. One that will comfort me when I need it, and hold me because he can. One that will love me for me, because he wants to.
I want a guy best friend that I can spend the rest of my life knowing that God picked him, specifically, just for me.

Right now, I really want to meet him. Or if I already met him, to start becoming good friends with him, that will eventually lead into being best friends. For life.
Is that selfish? That I just want my best friend to be here now? I just... I want to know he's out there and that he wants to meet me as much as I want to meet him.
I just want to be his friend. Now.

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