Monday, August 15, 2011

Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People

I will get pictures on here. Eventually.
I'm really sorry for the lack [and delay] of pictures on here.. I'm just awful at taking the time to upload them from my camera.. poo.

Anyway, today was the first day of school for the fall semester. I had Western Civilization this morning which was really just an introductory lecture, so nothing too special happened. I'm really excited for this semester though. Tomorrow is Financial Accounting [finally getting into the stuff I'm majoring in!] and Wednesday is Graphic Design [SO stoked for this course!]. I do have another class, Microcomputer Applications, however I do not start that until next month because it is only a twelve week course. Fine by me!
As much as school freaks me out in the beginning, I love it. I literally get so bored if I'm not in school [or occupied by something productive], so these past two weeks have been lagging in excitement.

Also, I went to Boot Camp with Sarah tonight at the gym. So much fun! I actually felt quite in shape with that class, except for the toning.. I could use a bit more of that.. haha.
I'm super excited about having a membership to the gym, though. I think I will finally keep on a regular exercise schedule now. Woo!

What else goes on in my life?
Oh, yes, babysitting.
My first day of a normal schedule starts tomorrow, which is going to start a trend of early [early] Tuesday mornings. As much as I would really prefer not to get up until 9, I'll live. Besides, it makes me feel like I'm doing something productive, which I already claimed is quite a nice feeling.

Hmm.. Other than that I really have nothing to say/update you all on.

Until next time!


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