Monday, August 8, 2011

Without A Sound

First off, today is absolutely lovely.
I woke up to a dimly lit day, rain on it's way. The morning was slow as all I did was move stuff around, clean a little bit, wasted some time on the computer searching for some new hobbies so I won't spend so much time on here; the usual.
The rain came and darkened the skies. I absolutely love it when it rains. It is so beautiful and one of my favorite things about nature. The way the skies get dark, the way the wind blows, and the way the rain's just mesmerizing  Although, if it's more than a nice rain [in other words, if it's pouring down], I hate to be driving. Otherwise, driving in a nice rain shower is always a lovely time.
After lunch I needed to get ready for a meeting with a lady from UCF to talk about school. I was freaking out but trying to put together an outfit that made me look me look nice. I'm not one to really take a lot of time on my appearance, but since I am almost twenty and in my second year of college, AND transferring to UCF in the spring to major in Accounting [Business Administration], I figured I should start acting and dressing a bit more mature. Hmm.. we'll see how that goes. Haha. But really.
I met with the lady and we discussed what I need to do this semester, what I need to do before the end of this year, and pretty much everything that has to do with the process of transferring. It was really cool seeing how far I've come and how close I am to being at UCF. It opened my eyes to the fact that I'm going to have to start taking slightly boring classes though. Haha. Whatever. As long as I am going down a path that I want to be on, I'm totally ok with it all. Which I am, so I'm quite content. The only downside is, I must take some courses, preferably, this semester, which means I have to switch out some of the classes that I am signed up for so far. I have to go back tomorrow to meet with an adviser about that because the stinkin computer isn't working. Hmp.
After all that, I went to the YMCA to see what their rates were for students; $19 a month. Not bad at all. Such a grand deal that I signed up and now I have a gym membership! I am very excited about this because I've been complaining to my mom [sorry, Mom] about having no friends [Ok. I have friends, but I only socialize with two of them; my best friends, no doubt] and being so bored all the time. Well, here is the end to that! Well, to the problem of being bored quite too often. I don't know about the friends thing... hahah, just kidding! I'm not that pathetic. Anyways, it's going to be grandtastic! I'm going tomorrow to an abs and core class with Sarah and then working out on the machines. I feel like this is going to be really good for me. It will keep me busy and in shape. Woo!
Now, I am at home writing this and about to start some crafty things. Not quite sure what exactly yet, but I'll let you know :)

I wish you well!


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