Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thank You, Adam

There are very few people who I will actually take the time to sit down and read what they have to say.
Adam Young is one of those few.

I was playing catch up on his blog, because it has been far too long since I've actually sat down to read someone else's thoughts, and came across a post called "Tourism and Nostalgia". It's brilliant and I really recommend that you, too, take the time to read it. It is well worth your time.

Anyways, I came across the end of it when I recognized the same situation I find myself in right now.
Just read this:

"Two years ago, if you told me, “Adam, you can quit your lackluster job, you can stop going to school for nothing and focus 100% of your time and energy on your true passion in life, you can drop everything and start writing songs, recording albums, playing shows, making friends, and ultimately devote yourself to the ONE thing in this world you’ve ever been good at…”
I would’ve never believed you, but here I am, and I don’t deserve an ounce of the grace I’ve been given.
And so for giving an undeserving shy boy from nowhere a shot at reaching out and taking hold of the dream he never thought was reachable, I thank you. Thank you with every fiber of my being.
Glory to God."

That is what he wrote, and what I can relate to almost perfectly. 

I have been handed this incredible opportunity to do something that I've always wanted to do, but never really thought I could achieve such a dream.
I never would have believed anyone if they told me I would be doing this. And I mean, if someone told me that a week and a half ago, I would have laughed at such a crazy concept. 
The thing is. It is happening. I am making my dream come true. I am progressing from a twenty-year-old that has no idea what she's going to do after she graduates college, to a twenty-year-old who is going for what she wants to do because she knows that this is what God is providing her with and leading her to. 

I cannot help but to agree wholeheartedly with Adam, in reference to his last line posted above. 

Glory to God. 
ALL glory be to God. 

Without Him I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am now, and I wake up each morning trying to grasp the idea that the reality I'm living in really isn't just a fantasy or dream. It is, indeed, reality

It's funny. One of Adam's songs [one of my favourites] has a line that goes, "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." As much as I agree with that line, I think what's happening is that I am turning my dream into reality, making it a place where I am very happy to live. 

I have to say, Adam has always inspired me, but, especially in the past couple of years, he is really helping me achieve my dreams and goals. His faith is incredible and I find myself being encouraged for how level-headed he is. 
Adam is such a space case when it comes to his blog posts and the way he thinks. But I love it. It shows me that someone else out there is as distracted and full of crazy concepts as me, and maybe not everyone understands them, but there's at least one other person in this big, big world that does. 

Dear Adam, 

Thank you for being entirely you. You continue to help me grow in spirit and faith. 
And, for the record, I will be going to the next concert you have in Central Florida. Nothing is holding me back this time. 


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