Sunday, May 29, 2011


Right when I say I'm gunna start writing again, I fail...

Well, to update you all on the past few days, here's a little run down:

  • I decided I didn't like the path I was going down as far as the book goes, so I'm taking a break getting my thoughts figured out first.
  • I am going to start a devotional series.
  • SCOTTY WON!!!!! [American Idol, my friends]
  • I decided I really didn't like half the books in the 1001 books to read before you die book. I'd rather just stick with the one's I know and love.
  • I spent more money.. I gotta stop this chronic spending...
  • I locked my keys in my car in Titusville [30 minutes from my house], and I didn't have a hide-a-key.
  • I drove all over Tarnation taking people places.
  • Whoops. I just remembered I didn't fill up the water jugs for my mom. My bad.
That's pretty much it for now. Nothing too exciting happened

Now, I'm off to make aprons and bread! I'll try and post some pictures once I'm done.

Oh, and I am still going to do the video post once a week, I just gotta get a few things down first. 

Till next time, 


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