Monday, May 30, 2011

Bucklin' Down

I grew up hearing that saying all the time. If you don't speak country [or southern, or whatever you wanna call it], it means, basically, to get down to business.
I think it's about time to buckle it on down.
With life and growing up and doing more than I choose to do, I mean.
This past week, for some reason, I, somewhat subconsciously, started doing more chores than I usually do [that means whoever had lunch the other day got off easy,] cooked more [and cleaned up!] and wasn't as reluctant to actually doing other people's jobs. It was slightly weird, but I had a pretty good feeling about it.
For a while now, I have tried to become the mature adult I should be by now [or at least, start to be by now.] It hasn't always followed through as planned, but there are some days where I feel like I am becoming more responsible. This week, for instance, I felt as if I was finally pulling my own weight, along with others. My only problem is my attitude. I still gotta fix that part, then I'm all good. I hope. Ha ha.
In doing so [taking on more responsibility, that is,] I started to think about my future a lot more. I used to never do that because I was so scared of not being prepared enough for it. However, now, I'm not so much like that anymore. It's pretty nice.
Anyways, I started putting pieces together. Like, how what I was doing right then was preparing me for my future and would benefit me in later years. Like washing dishes, for instance. We don't have a dish washer. Or, we do; seven of them. For all of you who are taking a while to catch on, that means we wash hand. [GASP!] We've done it as long as I've been alive, and with nine people still living at home, that's quite a few dishes. So, back to my point, washing all those dishes, for all these years, is actually training me for when I'm older, either living on my own, or married with kids [I sincerely hope so. I do NOT want to be a creepy ol cat lady. Ew.] that I am going to have to support them by keeping the house clean. Plus, knowing how to wash dishes by hand, and get them clean, is really gunna help when [if we even have one] the dishwasher breaks.
That goes hand in hand with baking. I've been able to see quite a few ways how all my baking/cooking will benefit me in the future...

  • I want to own a bakery 
  • It will feed me family [and me!]
  • It's a good way to make nice with neighbors ;)
Yes, that last one had to be in caps. I really do. It's slightly awful when trying to eat healthy.. Oh well! I'll just learn to bake healthy stuff that actually tastes good. No big deal.
So yea. It's kind of awesome that I haven't been so freaked out about the future, but rather looking at it with a glimpse of hope for what I would like it to be.
Oh one more thing. I have to live out in the country. Or, if that can't happen. I have to have at least an acre.
That would kill me. Give me at least two acres.
Hmm. Well I sure do hope I didn't bore you too much. 

Anyways,  have a dandy day [or night. It's almost 11:30 p.m. here]!


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