Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You know what I really don't like? When people ride on the back of my tail the entire time they are behind me. Come on, where is the common courtesy of backin it on up!?
It's not just that though. I really don't like it when cars are in front of me or behind me. Or at least in close proximity. Like, when I'm driving down River Road, I cannot stand it when there are cars near me. That's my peaceful drive, I usually drive alone unless I had to take someone some or pick them up or whatever. It is by far the most relaxing drive I know of and if there are cars either right smackdab in front of me, or tailing me the whole time, it takes away big time.
I like to go my own pace. I move at my own speed [unless it exceeds the speed limit.] I usually go under the speed limit though, so when someone is behind me, I have to go the speed limit other wise I tick them off. I really don't like that fact.
I want to live in a place where pretty much all the roads are as nice and relaxing as River Road [and I understand cars are going to be around, but limited driving please. Small town? I think yes.] Or, at least all the roads I will take. So, in other words, the back roads. They are as good as it gets, which is pretty decent.

Something else that comes to mind when I think tailgating is when someone is always behind you, right on your heels, following your every step. That could be considered tailgating too, right? I mean, they are right on your tail, whether or not they're in a car or not.
Anyways, it's really annoying when someone is always behind you, or always there; always following you. Can I broaden this up a bit and say doing everything you do? Or at least taking a big part of who you are and trying to be just like that part? It's flattering in a way, but it gets really tiring after a while trying to be your own person, but having this person try to be you too. I don't get flattered easily when it comes to that. It may just be who I am, but I think that people need some originality of their own. They need to think, breathe, and live their own thoughts and actions. Not someone else's.
I know this is rather off topic, but it needs to be said. If you're out there being someone else, you're wasting the good person you really are.
So, stop tailgating someone else's life. If it's not your own, don't live it. Simple as that.
Now, I'm not saying that they can't do some of the same things as you, or have some of the same interests and what not, but when they are basically turning into you. That's when it needs to stop. Right?
Ok. Done with the ranting...
I'll get back to being busy [oh wait. This is summer and I have nothing to do...better go clean].

Hope all is well!


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